Thursday, 26 September 2013

w o l f * and *q u e e n (wolf part thirteen)

After a winter
Of endless loveless fucking
The queen had relaxed

Got her own measure
And like some alcoholic
In pure denial

Thought that just one more
Would still her bitter longings
And bring composure

And whilst thus engaged
A measure of balance was kept
But after, boredom.

Poetry :boredom ?
But always fiercely alive
When fully on heat

She liked variety
Wolf , within limits, obliged
But as afters ? Sleep.

Instinct kept him on
Desire for death kept her on:
Deathly couplings.

Neither dared mention
An old pelt, whitened with age
Used as doormat now.

Blood crack, tooth crack, tongue and gristle roll and loll, dragging in passion a recumbent rag doll to another utter ravishment and besmirching. Mate hard, sleep, all good. Stretch and kvetch, teeth nip and tease, you’d think the cold would kill my fleas, take large bits, is spurred on by choice words, and patterns of speech that went way above wolf’s head,. That felt good ,and that, pumping as if there is no tomorrow. sleeps. Wakes with paws bound, ridden by triumphal witch, shudders in prisoner’s ecstatic and whipped release. Good, sleeps, wakes free, Hunts. full belly. sleeps   , drags witch into the snow by her elflocked and matted hair. Does the nasty ,nastily  .Is that all you got, lover boy, she murmurs dreamily , stroking him afterwards. Wolf sulks and sleeps else-where. Wakes abound again with riding queen once again astride..this time, green eyes fixing his, ensuring he’s properly cowed. Waits till she finishes. A satisfied mate. Quite good. She still wants to own him. Pointless Pointless Pointless. Sleeps, wakes free. Hunts. Fucks, Sleeps. Hunts ,Ambushes and attacks..then fucks .Sleeps:  the perfect cycle. Perfect ferocity and no wasted time for idle talk: such a human pile of fuckinng word for it in your two legged abstract bastard language,,,come here and makefuck fuckmate with me…fuck with me now, good and first fuckmate… now. Good. Howlll..gooderer….howlll… goodest .Strange wind smell. Strange faint-footfall  ALERT.

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